So, I won the contest on website. I was already a fan of her writing, but now that I've won something on her site I'm an even bigger fan.
Guess what I won...
Yep that's right...Starbucks money! Oh yea! Also, she MADE me a great card. Joey was impressed if that means anything.
Here's a few things that I've noticed about mccobbey that makes her Rock.
*First of all she uses words like Rock.
*You can tell that she adores her husband. I love that.
*She keeps her word...I did receive a great prize as promised.
*She can describe food better than any menu I've ever read.
*She loves being with her girlfriends. I can relate.
*She's a little wild.
*Her vocabulary is ginormous. (Is that in the dictionary?)
*She's a fellow fan of Jack Black.
*She's way funny when she talks about her family.
*She scrapbooks. I'm sure by the skills from the card that her scrapbooks are awesome.
*She could totally be a movie critic. When she describes a movie it makes you want to run to the theatre and watch it.
*She taught me about movie boyfriends. My current movie boyfriend is the guy off of Stomp the Yard.
*She's encouraging.
*The major thing she rocks at is writing. I love reading her stuff. She cracks me up with her descriptions. She can take the most mundane thing (like a menu) and make it the most interesting thing you've read all day. It's a treat to read what she has to say.
So, there's a few reasons that you should be a fan of mccobbey's website.
Thank you very much for the Starbucks!
I love her too for all of those reasons and more!!!
WOW! That was amazing! I feel so encouraged and loved! YOU ROCK ROCK ROCK! I do admit to over-using this word. I really have to get some more hip slang to update my lingo. Maybe I'll start hanging out with the cool teenagers with skinny jeans, Urban Outfitters slinky shirts and retro Vans.
(Who doesn't like Jack Black?!!!)
Congratulations!!! What a nice gift!!! You made me want to read her blog!
Were you separated at birth?!?!?
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