Monday, July 06, 2009

Sharon's Testimony

Randy’s Mom Shirley was looking through some of her things and she found a letter that her daughter Sharon had written back in 1986. Sharon was the mother of Amanda who had cerebral palsy like Miles. I thought you might like to hear the letter. It’s very encouraging.

I’m writing you this letter because I’m wide awake & so happy I don’t know what to do!
Tonight, like any other night in my life, I lay awake thinking, & for the first time ever I realized something. Our God is real!!! Something else too. He is powerful beyond belief!
For 2 months I prayed every night & day, saying, “Please God, take away everything I’ve ever had or am going to get & this Christmas, please take away Amanda’s seizures forever!” I said, “I know you can” but boy did I doubt & on Christmas day, Amanda had worse seizures & crying fits than she’s ever had & on Christmas night I’m ashamed to say that I bawled for hours saying, “Why should I pray to or believe or serve a God who can’t even heal my daughter?” And you know Mom, this almighty, powerful God could have struck me dead right then but He said, “Sharon, all you have to do it believe. Nothing you can do will heal her.”
The next morning I woke up with a real peaceful feeling & I know you know…but HE DID IT! He took them away!
What happened tonight is that he knocked me down with the realization that this ‘God” the true God, only had to speak & it was real. Please praise Him for this! And not only for this because I know that was only the beginning! Praise Him for her eyes, ect. for He deserves it.
I have never felt so awed!! I have to serve Him, for He is good!
I love you,

Amanda never did have a seizure again. She went from having several painful seizures a day to having zero without medication. As a young boy Randy (remember that his brothers and sisters were a lot older than him) prayed and believed with Sharon those two months that Amanda would not have any more seizures after Christmas. He got to see God do a miracle.

That letter was encouraging to me, and I hope it was to you.


Lydianna Bradford said...

Wow! That's awesome! Very encouraging!

Agent B said...

That letter was a good find. Thanks for sharing!