Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On a Lighter Note...

Okay, on a much lighter note I will give you a breakdown of my Top 10 Favorite Movies.

I'm telling you if I owned all 10 of these movies it's very possible that I would not have much need to watch another movie again. I actually own a few of them and watch them all the time. The list looks like what a typical gay man might also like to watch and I'm fine with that. I love me a good musical! You may be wondering if Randy shares my love for musicals. Well, I wouldn't feel comfortable telling you his business on here, so privately if you wanted to ask him the lyrics to any of the movies listed below I think you may find your answer. (I know for a fact though that he's not a gay man.)

Just looking up the pictures for these DVD's (which are all available from if you decide you must have them as well) made me feel good and happy inside.

With no further ado (that's the sort of thing they say in Musicals) I give you my FAVORITES!!!

What are a few of your movies that would make your Top 10?


Rachel said...

I didn't know some of those! Should have let you have my ticket to Fiddler on the Roof! Boy do I feel silly about saying that today at lunch! That would be why your chin was on the table after I said it was "ok"! ha ha!!

P.S. I am the one who left your message on your blog fridge, but I am not from Little Rock, AR! :)

Brandi Wilson said...

I was at Fiddler on the Roof, and I was still highly offended my your careless remark! : )

Also, I knew that was you that left the message and I forgot to ask when you moved to Little Rock! You drove a long way for lunch today! : )

I forgive you for dissing FOTR today.

Fiver said...

OMGravy!! Troy Brandy?

Kathi R asked all the teachers one day on the playground if they'd seen and if they liked it what it was about, etc. Everyone was either haven't seen it or have no desire to see it blah blah blah.

She turned to me and me being me said straightfaced, " there's such a thing as being too blonde and too tan which Brad Pitt is in this movie but on the upside I now know what Brad Pitt looks like naked and that's not a bad thing."

Everyone gasp (poor Shirley Brokaw :) but not my Kathi, she threw her head back and laughed so hard she cried. STILL one of my best memories of her. Thank you for reminding me that even a truly beautiful, Christ-filled, classy lady can have a sense of humor!!



Brandi Wilson said...


That made me smile so big. Oh, how I miss Kathi. She was one of a kind.

You know that picture of her in the hallway of CCS?

Jocie heard one of the 1st graders ask, "Is that God?"

dave said...

Fiddler is definitely my favorite musical. I have been in the musical twice. I have a special connection to the musical. I went into a Salvation Army and found a Tevye statue... it sits on my desk. I know every word, every song... and I kid you not, I cry during the "Chava Ballet Sequence".

Brandi Wilson said...

Fiddler really is so beautiful. Every time I see Tevye have to choose between his daughter and his faith it breaks my heart.

I LOVE that movie!!!