Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cheap Therapy

When I feel down I've noticed something...I like to shop on eBay for Vintage Fisher Price Toys!

I don't usually buy any of them (mainly because they're so dang expensive) but I really like looking them up, finding the best deal on them and telling myself I could buy them IF I Really Wanted To!

***Sorry for the smallest photos ever!***

Here's the Farm. I actually have this one. It's from when I was a kid. My Grandma Jody had it at her house and I played with it WAY LONGER that I probably should have. I just loved it! When I grew up she gave it to me. It's so special to me. The girls still get it down from the shelf and play with it. I love that.


This circus is crazy expensive! I've seen them between $300 to $500.

The Hospital. This is The One I want the most!!! I usually start out looking up this one! I've bid on these a few times, but I haven't ever won. They go up too high. I love it because it has a little wheelchair and the girls and I would pretend its Miles.

More Little People. I have most of these.

The Lunchbox and Thermos. I absolutely positively want this with all my heart!!!

The school chalk board. I have this one. I used to play this at my Grandma Jody's house and I loved it!

The school house. I used to play this at my Grandma's too, but I don't have one now. These aren't too pricey.

The Castle. I love the castle. It's so charming. I love the little crowns.

I love them because they remind me of being a kid. Plus I'm a sucker for Vintage stuff or even the word Vintage. Joey says that when he hears the word "vintage" all he really hears is "expensive." True so True.


Fiver said...

Finally someone who understands me. Ask the boys about my kitchen. It's most of my fisher price toys from childhood.

Jere thinks I'm crazy. I just think I'm differently fabulously unique.

Guess that means you are too :D


MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

vintage, classic, those are the BEST toys!

i am sad that when you buy a lunchbox nowadays, they are always plastic and never include a thermos. why is that?