I've been thinking again about doing an iGroup in my home for young Moms. We would still have our life group that we have now. It's on Wednesday nights. I'm thinking the iGroup would be during the morning one day a week. It would not be for Moms like me or Fran or Pam...you know, with older kids. It would be for moms that are staying home with kids about ages 3 and under. I was thinking that it would be a place where they would of course be able to bring their kids and I would talk about different things each week. The lessons would be on having a purpose during your day instead of just letting the day happen to you. Also, I would talk about organized grocery shopping. Another lesson would be about finding fulfillment in what you're doing so when your husband comes home you're not dying for his attention. You know, stuff like that. It would also be a time for them to hang out with each other and talk about things they can all relate to. I really wanted to do it last semester. I'm so glad I didn't because Miles was so crazy sick that I would have had to cancel every other week. I really want to pour into these women and encourage them to be the best wife and mom they can be. I feel like this is an area that I've had success in and I would like to mentor those women in a time where they would thrive with encouragement.
Do you think there is a need for such a group. I'm not just looking for something to do if you know what I mean!
Also, who are some people we know that have kids this age. I have a list going, but there's several people I don't know. (Age three is not a cut off age. I was just meaning young kids.)
An alternative to this idea is to pick about three women and not make it an igroup but just take one day a week and meet with them on my own time. I could pour into them without making it a church thing. The problem with this of course is that if I don't have a set time and date then I more than likely will not ever get to it. I have lots of good ideas and intentions that I don't actually ever follow through on because life gets in the way.
Please give me some feedback on this idea. I have a heart to do it, but also, I don't want to mess around with anything that's not a Now idea. Of course I would like it to be fruitful.
I think it wold be an amazing gift to those women that God would give you. I would like to do something similar with Young single moms. Brandi, you have encouraged me in ways I never thought possible, whatever you do will be blessed because you walk with God and are a friend to Him .
I have two heros that I love gaining wisdom from that too are my age...1. Amy Yates...I think she is the best wife!! 2. YOU!...I think you too are a good wife, but you are an AMAZING mother! Any book you write or any group you would have...I'll buy or go to it (if I lived in Texas.) Go for it! I know it would be a great benefit to some new mothers I know that go to KLF.
You are a gift...not to just your children, but to other Mother's!! Don't forget that!
I think it is a wonderful idea. You would definately be a blessing to the mothers of younger chiildren. I say do it and be a blessing and be blessed.
Love you!
I have to agree with Becky here. You are an amazing mother. I think this would benefit so many other mothers.
You have so much love and wisdom to give..You go girl.
I say ,,JUST DO IT.(like Nike) lol
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