Wednesday, September 29, 2010

7th Graders...Who Knew?

I took this yesterday at Joey's Tennis Tournament. Miles' white skin was baking in the sun. Someone there offered to get him an umbrella from the car. I thought that was so sweet. Then a bunch of middle school boys kept helping me get the umbrella just perfect to cover up Miles. They were being so kind and enjoyed playing with Miles. They were so happy when we finally got it in the right position where it would stay. Miles kept smiling at them. Who knew middle school boys could be loving? I never asked for their help. They just wanted to. They said Miles' umbrella was "stylin'."


The Mac Fam said...

That is such a positive thing to hear when for the most part we deal with selfish and mean without reason middle schoolers. Thanks for sharing an uplifting story. I'll be sure to pass it along to my own middle schoolers.

dave said...

That's a great thing! Sometimes we focus on all the negative parts of society, that we forget about there are good things!