Monday, April 10, 2006

Think about this

I was thinking about my last post. I know when reading it's easy to read over things without understanding the scope of the material. In my list of things that I did this morning I said that I fixed 6 people's hair. Look at this more closely. When I said that I fixed 6 people's hair...5 of them did not want their hair done! Two people were eating Cookie Crisp cereal while I sprayed their hair down with a water bottle and then brushed their hair. Two of them are little girls that had many many tangles. One of them cannot hold their own head up! I had to hold Miles who weighs 22 pounds with one arm, balance his body where his head is available to me, spray his head with the water bottle with one hand which he hates, put the bottle down, brush his hair while still balancing him, curling his wet hair with my fingers then putting him back down. Then, the last person is me. Of course by now all that is done with my hair involves a brush and a pony tail holder. Thank goodness Randy does his own hair!

So, go to my last post and add this more involved list with each item. Now, you get a better idea of what my day looks like.

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