Thursday, April 28, 2011

Table for 12

I saw my first 2 episodes of TABLE OF 12. I ran across it on Netflix.

This family had a set of twins, another set of twins and then sextuplets!

Yes, I'm aware that the show isn't new, but it's new to me, and I was instantly interested in the show because we have some things in common:

**We both have large families.
**We both had our kids close together.
**The mom and I both stay at home.
**The parents actually like having a huge family.
**They also have a child with cerebral palsy.


I've only seen two episodes so I'm not expert on the show but a few things struck me that I really liked.
I was never a fan of the Jon & Kate plus 8 show because there was so much negativity going on it the episodes I saw. The parents relationship was hard to watch on that show and...we saw how that worked out.

The Table for 12 couple seemed so genuine.

The main thing about the show that fascinated me was to see how the kids interacted with their sister that has cerebral palsy. They include her, carry her around and love on her. That's the way it is with Miles. If one kid is watching a movie then they make sure that Miles is watching the movie with them. They do that on their own. They include him. I think the episodes I watched highlighted that special relationship very well. I will admit that I teared up a couple of times about what the siblings had to say about their sister. It was touching.

I saw these episodes several days ago...I've been planning on watching a few more...However, keeping up with 5 kids doesn't allow for too much TV watching. I guess that means that the Table for 12 couple never gets to watch TV!

1 comment:

Fiver said...

We love this show because like you said unlike J&K this couple seems real and genuine. The mom has a tummy shes not trying to be a supermodel and she and the husband tease each other, kiss one another, and seem content with the chaos :D

Life is messy, funny, hurtful, tiring, strenghthening, ever-changing, exhausting,boring, energizing, and short.

We have to make the most of what He has given us and enjoy it to the fullest. Seeing this example on TV gives me a teeny tiny glimmer of hope for the future of television

It also makes me realize I'm not alone, i don't have it as bad as others, and there are good people everywhere.

Good people like our friends the Wilson's!!!!

