Monday, July 18, 2011

Sweet Gift

A sweet friend at church gave me a beautiful gift yesterday. She handed me a neatly decorated box, hugged me and then told me to open it when I got home.

I made it almost to my house before I opened it. : )

When I saw the necklace tears immediately began to fill my eyes. When I showed it to Randy he began to cry. He actually had to pull over because we were both crying and plus we wanted to take a minute to really think about the gift. Randy said, "God is so personal." God knows the thing I long for is to hold Miles again. The words on the necklace capture my heart's cry at this time.

I'm so thankful for my special gift. I put it on last night and it's already one of my favorite things.


Unknown said...

what an amazing gift.....that is super special...

Fiver said...

What an amazing gift. So perfect. So personal.



BelleDownUnda said...

Oh sweetie....I burst into tears when I saw it too......I can't say that I feel your pain because I can't IMAGINE what you have and are going through. All I can say is I truly empathize and am sending hugs and prayers from Australia!!!!

Brandi Wilson said...

Thank you Belle, that's very sweet of you.

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

what a precious and thoughtful gift! *sniff*