Tuesday, November 28, 2006

He's So Cute!

Meet Mr. Pumpkin Buns. He's a great friend of ours. He lives on South 11th. Every school morning for the last 2 months we have driven by Mr. Pumpkin Buns house and waved, laughed and clapped about him. The day after we took these pictures we drove by his house and the huge wind storm we had knocked his buns right out of his pants! We laughed so hard! Well, this week his buns were back in and we've been rejoicing! It's good to have him back!


Brenda M Becker said...

how hilariously I laughed at my precious friends and Mr. Pumpkin Buns - joy is healing for the soul. Joey and Spencer you've captured my heart.

Carolyn said...

andrew thinks mr. pumpkin buns is "mooning" you! :) how fun for you to see him every day!!!!!!! wonder what they'll do for Christmas?!?!?!

Brandi Wilson said...

Joey said that maybe for Christmas he will be "Mr. Snowflake Buns."

ericaprosser said...

It's pretty windy today. I'm going to go outside to see if my buns will get knocked out of my pants. If that owrks, I will give them to Miles;)!

Brandi Wilson said...

Erica...I laughed So hard about your comment.

Lydianna Bradford said...

Goodness Erica, that was funny!